Friday, April 5, 2024


Easter weekend gave us much to be thankful for! We held four services - two on Saturday and two on Sunday. We had the largest Easter weekend since COVID - Over 3,100 in attendance and over 40 responding to the gospel! Then Sunday night happened.

Pastor Marty and Anna were going to be leaving Monday for a week at the beach. He wanted to get their grass cut and by the time he had wrapped up and cleaned up his mower it was dark. He was riding his mower along the side of the road, turning into his driveway when he was struck from behind. He broke his neck in two places and has a terrible gash on top of his head. The good news is there is no brain damage, no paralysis and his doctors believe he will fully recover. It is nothing short of a miracle. I know God had His hand on Marty! This was a very close call - BUT GOD! 

I am so thankful for Marty and Anna. They have been incredible Kids Pastors at our church for almost 30 years! They are dear friends and it breaks my heart to see them suffer this horrible ordeal. There have been so many things happen over the past few months that I firmly believe the devil has targeted our church and we are under attack! I am calling our church to fast and pray and I am determined that the enemy will pay for all this! I am claiming a harvest of souls like we have never experienced!

Proverbs 6:31-32 says We don't put up with thieves, not even with one who steals for something to eat. 32 And thieves who get caught must pay back seven times what was stolen and lose everything. 

I am claiming this promise. I am claiming the repayment - and I want it in SOULS! 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Last Days?

The most horrendous attack on Jewish people since the Holocaust happened this past week. It was a cowardly attack by the terrorist group Hamas using the most barbaric, inhumane tactics to kill, mutilate, rape and kidnap innocent Israelis. 

If this wasn't despicable enough, we have had to watch disgusting protests by American citizens blaming Israel for the attacks and defending these monsters. How can people so blind?

Israel has declared war on Hamas and has vowed to wipe them out. All eyes are on Iran and Hezbollah to see if they step in to intervene. Many believe that Iran is behind the attacks.

I truly believe we are living in the last of the last days and the Lord is returning soon! We know from Bible prophecy that Israel will play a key role in the return of Christ. Could we be witnessing the initial stages of those prophecies unfolding?

Sunday, September 17, 2023

CLC Class of '24

I am so excited about our new CLC class of '24 arriving! We have three 3rd year students who will be graduating this year with their degree, their credentials and job placement assistance. We have seven 2nd years and ten 1st years! 

Matthew and Mariah have done such an incredible job pulling this program back together and putting it on a course for success and fruitfulness. I truly believe part of God's call upon our church is to raise up the next generation of pastors, missionaries, evangelists and para-church leaders! 

Monday, July 17, 2023

All In the Family

We have just hosted back-to-back family weekends here in Lafayette.

The first was the McDaniels family reunion. Donna's mom's side of the family have been getting together annually since her grandmother passed away. Most of the family is from North Louisiana, but part of the family is from Mobile, Alabama. Last year I suggested that Lafayette might be a good meet in the middle location and they took me up on it. It was great to hang out with Donna's immediate family along with her aunts, uncles, cousins and their families. We must have done a decent job hosting the get together because they have agreed to meet up in Lafayette again next year! 

Next, we hosted my cousin, Greg Ables and his mom, my Aunt Carolyn. Greg preached for me at Crossroads on Sunday and did an amazing job! Last year I had the distinct honor - along with another cousin, Rusty Blan - of officiating my Uncle Vernon's funeral. It was one of the greatest honors of my life. My Uncle Vernon was such a hero to me! He and Greg had come down several years ago and tag-team preached at one of our Fathers Day services. They preached on spiritual legacy - It was SO good! While we were in Tulsa for the funeral I told Greg I really wanted him to come back down to Lafayette and preach for me again. I'm so glad he agreed to come and that my Aunt Carolyn could come along with him. 

My brother Phil and his family came down to visit while Greg and Aunt Carolyn were here and we had an incredible time! We shared lots of laughs and sweet memories. I am so thankful for the incredible family God has given me both on my side and Donna's side! Other than God Himself, nothing in this life is more important than our family! I have always felt that way but as I get older, it has become more and more real to me! 

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