We continued with the birthday celebrations in February! Ezekiel's birthday is February 8th and Chase's birthday is February 11th.
Eli's mom and dad had a cruise scheduled toward the end of the month so waited until then to have Zeke's party, but believe me - we celebrated all month long and he loved it!
On the week of his actual birthday we let him choose the restaurant for our Thursday night family dinner. He got some early birthday presents that night. On his birthday we went by his house and gave him more presents. Then, the day of his party he got even more presents! His birthday party was a Lego party. He loves putting together lego sets and boy, did he get a lot of legos! Ezekiel is such a good boy and we enjoy him so much! So thankful to get to be his Poppy!
Chase chose to go with authentic Mexican food for his celebration at his favorite restaurant and it was so good!
Throw Valentine's Day in the mix and it was a month-long celebration for this family! Lovey found some fun Valentine's Day puzzles for us all to put together and she and Ezekiel made cookies!
My favorite teams didn't make it to the Super Bowl so I really didn't have a dog in the hunt. However, my disdain for the Kansas City Chiefs, who made it to the big game once again, had me rooting for whoever they were playing against. That happened to be the Philadelphia Eagles this year, who they defeated in Super Bowl . That was a close game but this was a complete blow out! The Chiefs were completely unprepared for the butt whipping the Eagles brought to the game. It was very entertaining to watch!
We had the Davidsons, the Plakes and the Quebedeauxs over for grilled burgers, boudin, King Cakeand the trimmings! So much fun!
We enjoyed a visit from Bubba and Tammy in February. We had lots of laughs and ate lots of good food including burgers at our place, fried catfish at Holane and Danny's, Saturday breakfast at Coffee Depot and Sunday lunch at El Paso's.