Saturday, March 6, 2010

Gilligan's Island

Okay you guys know how much I love movies. I just read that Warner Brothers is planning a big screen version of Gilligan's Island (which I think is genius). So my question is: Who do you think should be cast in the roles of those eight characters we all loved so much back in the day? Here's my suggestions - I want to hear yours: We'll see what kind of casting directors we are!

Gilligan - John Krasinski
The Skipper - Bill Murray
Mr. Howell - Pierce Brosnan
Mrs. Howell - Jane Fonda
Ginger - Scarlett Johansson
The Professor - Kelsey Grammer
Mary Ann - Ann Hathaway


  1. Gilligan's Island - the perfect cast. (remember that the premise is that they never get off the island!)

    Gilligan - Gilbert Gottfried - (and you thought Gilligan couldn't be more annoying)
    Skipper - Alec Baldwin - (of course, this may make people not want to search for them)
    Thurston Howell - Donald Trump - (annoying millionaire...need I say more?)
    Lovie Howell - Barbara Streisand - (just because I can't help but imagine her stranded on a desert island. Would we have to change the song to "The millionaire and her husband?")
    Movie Star - Paris Hilton - (just to make people long for the intellectual prowess of Ginger - and to reunite her with Nicole Ritchie)
    Professor - Al Gore - (just because I can imagine him staying continually scared that the oceans will rise and swamp the island)
    Mary Ann - Nicole Ritchie - (practiced at the simple life now)

    I couldn't think of a role for Rosie O'Donnell, but she ought to be on there just to annoy the Donald.

  2. I sure hope they don't make it perverted like they did the other remakes...

  3. I'm working on getting the entire collection of the originals on DVD. Almost there!

  4. The only way I could post was to put annonymous? I LOVE your selections. I really don't know many Actors & Actresses especially by name. The only thing that popped into my mind was (Meryle Streep) think I spelled it right, as Mrs. Howell. Maybe because she is a Blonde and I saw her in Doubt last night, a friend brought it over to me to watch before she mailed it back to Netflix. (Did not like)!

  5. Haha that is awesome Pastor Jeff but if they were doing a Celebreality Gilligan's Island pastor scott's cast would be entertaining. I got that role for Rosie. She should be the host.

  6. You mentioned that Jane Fonda would play the part of Mrs. opinion is that Jane Fonda should be exported to North Vietnam and not allowed to breathe air in the United States of America.....she is a traitor

  7. I understand where you're coming from historically Norman and would agree. I heard Ms. Fonda became a Christ follower a few years ago. I don't know if that's true or how it's effected her politics.


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