Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Choosing The Right "Brand"

I got a message on Facebook from a young mom in our church this week that really blessed me. She wrote,

Hey pastor, Just wanted to share something with you... My son Nathan who is two years old took a crossroads magnet off of the fridge this morning and looked at it and said, "Jesus Loves Me!" How awesome is it that he associates the crossroads symbol with Jesus' love for him! It gave me chills and warmed my heart to know that a child as young as mine has that kind of understanding. God bless you and your family!

Several years ago when we changed the name of our church to Crossroads Church, we did so for a lot of reasons. We had been founded as Bethel Assembly of God Church. When the church moved to the corner of I-10 and I-49 and built the worship center we're in today, they added Crossroads Cathedral to the name. So we were Bethel Assembly of God Crossroads Cathedral. (It would barely fit on the letterhead!) We felt Crossroads Church was easier to remember, and didn't sound as denominational or religious. It also provided a catch phrase that capsulizes our mission statement: Reaching people at the crossroads of life. When we designed our logo, we were careful to make it contemporary and appealing. We really have bought into the idea that "branding" is important. We believe that just like Nike or McDonalds' success hinges upon how their product is branded, the church must be conscientious of what people associate us with as well. This email tells me our brand is working. You see, it really is all about the love of Jesus isn't it? If a little boy can look at the Crossroads logo and be reminded of that, then by the grace of God we're doing something right!

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