Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hosting District Council

Crossroads was honored this week to host the 76th District Council of the Louisiana Assemblies of God. Hundreds of pastors from all over Louisiana came to Lafayette for three days to conduct business on behalf of our district, to be encouraged by the Word of God and to enjoy the fellowship of our district family.

It may sound biased since we hosted the event, but I genuinely cannot remember a more refreshing and inspiring District Council in all the years I have been a minister with the Assemblies of God. Our guest speaker Bryan Jarrett was simply amazing! His messages were encouraging and challenging at the same time! I love this guy and look forward to getting to know him better in the days to come!

On Tuesday, we hosted a Church Planting and Development Banquet and raised over $160,000.00 to support church planters here in Louisiana! This is near and dear to my heart and I commend Pastor Al Eden for his vision and leadership over this department. It is a pleasure to serve on his team here in Louisiana. Here's a picture of Pastor Al and I along with some of my best friends in the world: Denny Duron, Bud Plake, Paul Burke, Scott Holmes and Doug McAllister.

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