I read recently that scientists have used new laser technology to solve a mystery. For years historians were baffled by a word that Jefferson had used then blotted out in his original Draft of the Declaration of Independence. They didn't know if he had misspelled the word or used a different one, but the word he ultimately chose was the word 'citizen.' Because of breakthroughs in modern technology, scientists have been able to make out the word he had originally written. Interestingly, he had originally used the word 'subjects.'
Wow! Think about that for a minute! This is the Declaration of Independence! He is declaring our independence from Great Britain! Yet he still, at least subconsciously, thinks of himself as a subject to the crown.
This tells me something about Jefferson. It tells me he had a hard time getting his head around the idea of being free. I don't think he had a hard time getting his heart around the notion, but his mind was a different story.
I think we're like that sometimes. Jesus said in John 8:36, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." My heart believes that, but sometimes I have a hard time getting my head around that truth. The devil is able to convince me I have to do something I don't really want to do. I don't really think of myself as the free man Christ has created me to be!
Proverbs 23:7 says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." We need to see ourselves as Christ sees us. We need to see ourselves as the free men we really are, free from sin and no longer subjects of the devil! We need to declare our Independence!