Monday, August 17, 2009

What are the odds...

For the second time in five years, someone drove their car through the foyer wall of Crossroads Church. The same wall. What are the odds? I just can't get over what the mathematical odds might be on this. Vegas may want to get in on this action!

This time around, it was actually a member of the church. (There's a whole other odds-making opportunity!) Please say a word of prayer for her. She was taken to the hospital with some back pain.

The last time this happened, the insurance settlement allowed us to redo the entire foyer. God always has a way of bringing good out of a less than desirable situation!

People have been making some very keen observations. One is that we should consider opening a drive through church experience. (Rim shot inserted here) Others noted that the car came through the back-lighted wall mural that represents 'south' in our mission statement: Reaching "in" through discipleship. That's a pretty radical way of reaching in!

The Meaning of Love

This Saturday Donna and I celebrate 28 years of marriage! We were just kids when we made our vows, but by the grace of God we have kept those vows to one another and have grown more and more in love. It's funny, way back then we used that word so flippantly: "I love you." We had no idea then what the word really means. In 28 years, we've learned the meaning. In 28 years, Donna has taught me the meaning in the way she has stood by me, supported me, encouraged me, laughed with me, cried with me, raised two children with me, answered the call of God with me, traveled with me, dreamed with me, and the list goes on and on. I can honestly say she is my very best friend and there's no one I'd rather be around. She and I are so different and I'm so thankful that we are. I believe we complement one another and bring the best out in one another. It hasn't always been that way. We had to learn to appreciate the differences in one another. But what once created sparks has ultimately forged strength. If I had it all to do over, I wouldn't hesitate to look into the beautiful brown eyes of that young seventeen year old girl again and ask her, "Will you marry me?"

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

In Memoriam

Yesterday my dear friend Roosevelt Hunter crossed the finish line. Much sooner than any of us wanted, he said goodbye to this world and "Hello" to the next. He heard Jesus say, "Well done."

I'm going to miss him so much. He made me laugh so many times. He inspired me in so many ways. We've been friends since the late eighties. Jacob Aranza introduced us and we started regularly bringing him in to speak at Crossroads. The last time he came in was this past May. It was a great weekend. He preached with such passion. We enjoyed some great time together. Thank you Jesus for the opportunity to spend that time with him.

Through the eighties and nineties we worked the same youth camp circuit. Each week either I'd follow him at a camp, or he'd follow me. If I followed him, I'd always arrive to the news of revival the week before. I'd be challenged to pray harder, preach harder and believe God for the kind of camp revival that God and Roosevelt had brought.

Years ago I was working on a message called, "Why This Waste?" I made the mistake of telling Roosevelt about it. Two nights later he preached that sermon like he'd been preaching it for years. What a preacher!

I remember once when he was in, Roosevelt, his wife Eileen and I were going to get something to eat and we passed a place on University Street here in Lafayette where the "ladies" of the evening would stand out by the road. Roosevelt said, "I think that girl was a hooker." I told him, "That's not a girl." (It was a transvestite bar.) He said, turn the car around and let's go talk to them about Jesus!" We did. The owner of the club was so mad at us! Roosevelt was first and foremost a soul winner. He would talk to anybody about the Lord!

Roosevelt had the funniest laugh. It sounded like a cat on an old cartoon. He used to love to prank call me. He would only get a minute or so in to the call though and crack himself up and give himself away with that silly laugh.

Through the years we might go a year or so without talking to each other. We were both constantly on the go. Then he took his assignment at Southeastern and I became pastor at Crossroads. When we would finally connect it was like I just saw him yesterday. The past couple of years we've been able to keep in touch more. He would text message me pretty regularly. The last text I got from him he told me he'd been invited to speak at an event with Bishop Jakes (one of his heroes). He was so excited.

1 Thessalonians 2:19 describes the soul winner's crown that people like Roosevelt will receive from Christ. I want to be there to see it. I want to rejoice with him in the presence of our Savior. I want to hear him laugh that silly laugh again.

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