Monday, August 17, 2009

What are the odds...

For the second time in five years, someone drove their car through the foyer wall of Crossroads Church. The same wall. What are the odds? I just can't get over what the mathematical odds might be on this. Vegas may want to get in on this action!

This time around, it was actually a member of the church. (There's a whole other odds-making opportunity!) Please say a word of prayer for her. She was taken to the hospital with some back pain.

The last time this happened, the insurance settlement allowed us to redo the entire foyer. God always has a way of bringing good out of a less than desirable situation!

People have been making some very keen observations. One is that we should consider opening a drive through church experience. (Rim shot inserted here) Others noted that the car came through the back-lighted wall mural that represents 'south' in our mission statement: Reaching "in" through discipleship. That's a pretty radical way of reaching in!


  1. I will pray for her and yes in her case and in the church's case God will turn it around to the good because all concerned do Love God and are the called according to his purpose...Peace Be even while the roughest of seas are brewing in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and thank you Lord.

  2. Wow! I hope nobody was hurt inside the church. This person must have been really excited about going to church. All kidding aside I hope everything works out for the church, and that the person has a full recovery.

    God bless

  3. My vote is for the drive-thru. Make it STARBUCKS and you will soon have enough money to build 2 more churches. LOL.

  4. My vote is to mount the vehicle, as though it's coming through the wall, as a promotion for Speed-the-Light! ha! that would def be original!!!


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