Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Daddy Shoes

For Father's Day this past weekend I performed a song I wrote back in 1993. Robin was about 18 months old and when I would come home in the evenings from work and slip off my shoes, she would put them on and walk around the living room saying, "Daddy shoes, daddy shoes." I would get a big kick out of it. One day while watching this it dawned on me that I had some really big shoes to fill. My dad was such a great father. This song came out of that moment and I decided to share it for Father's Day during our Flip Flop message series. (That explains the Island theme in our auditorium). I hope you enjoy it. It's the first time I've performed it with a band. I think the guys did a great job with the arrangement. Props to Coy Watson and Tony Goulas. Also thanks to Richard Gaspard, who heads up our media department for cranking this edit out so quick so I could get it posted. I've got great friends!


  1. That was so AWESOME! When will it be recorded and on the radio. Pastor Jeff you've got a hit. Like the Christmas Shoe song, this one will play on like the "Butterfly Kisses". Songs like that. And the best part is that it's anointed. Talk about. I call dibs on booking the tour. ;-D

  2. That was nice...really liked that.

  3. You did a great job! I was impressed! Even more impressed with your sermon! Definitely a GOD thing!

  4. At least i got to see it on video...sorry i couldn't be there sunday to really enjoy it!!

  5. Cool song! Time goes by so fast that we need to remember those important small and big moments in our lives...

  6. Ahhh.. I haven't heard you sing in forever. Great song.


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