Friday, June 5, 2009

The President's Allegiances

This past week, President Obama declared June Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgender month, fulfilling one of many campaign promises made to support the homosexual agenda. Interestingly, although he signed the legislation declaring May 7, 2009 the National Day of Prayer, he refused to host a prayer gathering at the White House as his predecessors George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan had done. He said he prays privately. So his allegiance to the GLBT community is publicly carried out with pomp and ceremony while his allegiance to God is something reserved for a back room somewhere. Maybe it's because there is no allegiance to God at all! As this President continues to pursue the most radical agendas ever carried out by an American president concerning the issues of abortion, gay rights, the redistribution of wealth, the government take-over of private enterprise and the weakening of national security it is clear where his allegiances lie. Those allegiances are obviously not to the constitution, they certainly aren't to the American family and they in no way reflect an allegiance to God!


  1. Yea its a sad day in America to have such a president. I just pray that for our childrens sake he isnt relected.

  2. I have seen this coming since he was seeking the democratic nation. From his comments about wanting to change the National Anthem to the abolishing the second amendment to bailing out companies. He has no right to bail out these companies.


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