Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Burning Books

Have you heard about the pastor in Florida who's promoting the 'Burn a Koran Day' this week? The only book-burning I am aware of in the New Testament happened in Acts 19. It was actually the owners of the books who did the burning, not someone wanting to burn books on their behalf. When we effectively introduce people to Christ who have been caught up in false religions, they will dispose of the trappings of their former life as the Holy Spirit leads them. Until that happens, I doubt burning the books they believe in will be that effective in leading them to Christ. 

Interestingly enough, Paul appealed to the people in Athens sense of religion even though they worshiped pagan gods. Instead of pulling down their idols or burning their religious books, he made the point that despite their religious fervor, God was still unknown to them. However they could know Him if they would truly seek after Him. 

I'm no fan of the Koran - It is a misleading religious book that many interpret in ways that are dangerous and harmful. Islam is responsible for leading millions into an eternity separated from God. However, the way to combat the effects of a false religion is not to pile up copies of the Koran and burn them. If we just take the time to point out the things missing in a false religion like Islam and then show the Muslim that what is missing in his religion can only really be found in Christ, he will be much more likely to receive Jesus as his savior. Then he can do some book-burning of his own! 


  1. Amen Pastor Jeff! I totally agree with You. I had forgotten about Acts 19, Thankyou!! I do believe we are to set the example of Christ' Love to all, while seperating ourselves from such beliefs, but still showing the compassion Christ had for us to all even unbelievers! Christ just show His Father's unconditional Love and Mercy to people and people's hearts were changed!!!

  2. Right on Pastor Jeff. Yea, I wonder if he will buy a whole bunch of Korans and offer them to people who don't have one. I don't know anyone who has one, I don't know of anyone who would burn one either.

  3. Hahaha! Well, book sales will go up in the religious section of B&N. Everyone will have to go buy a koran to burn one. A little counterproductive, don't you think? I am ashamed to be floridian.

  4. I am sooooo NOT liking this!!! How can someone do this KNOWING what the consequences are going to be??? If we think 911 was a big goodness!! Wait and see...This is not good!! My son is in Iraq.

  5. I totally agree that this is not the way to point those to Christ! In no way does this kind of action demonstrate Christ's love, to those who are lost!!!

  6. well said bro. jeff. your comment has won me over. i served in the us army for 12 years and was angered about 9/11. being an ex military guy and talking with my old army buddies the agreement was hey they hit us on 9/11 maybe this was payback. wrong answer. christ is the answer!!!!! thanks for the wisdom. thats the reason youre a pastor and not me. love ya man

  7. I think this Pastor is moving forward out of his own frustration and not that of the Holy Spirit. I do not know what he thinks he will accomplish, but I know that he will hurt some. I have been a born-again Christ follower for two years, but I was raised Catholic. I still have a hard time listening to people say negative things about Catholics. I know better now, but I didn't then. There are many people who love there Koran, as we Chirst followers love our Bible. All he is going to acomplish is insult and heartache. Jesus led us by example, not be distruction. Really, doesn't God want us to choose him and seek him, not be forced to! Isn't that the whole purpose of free will, that we would come to him in love and truth! I just don't know what he thinks he will accomplish for God's Kingdom!

    Pastor Jeff you are truly a wise, wise man!

  8. This really had nothing to do with leading anyone to Christ. He was standing against an evil that has come into our country disguised as religion. I'm glad he called it off because of the lives that would have been lost but I'm also glad he pushed the envelope as far as he did. It exposed how radical Islam really is. Peaceful religions do not behave like this, you burn our book we slaughter your people. No that's not peaceful.

  9. I think this man does not "understand" what can or will come of this. Then to "advertise"......cannot he not get a congregation to come to just worship Christ????


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