Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's the most wonderful (busy) time of the year!

I love the holidays, but honestly it's a love/hate kind of thing. It's such a busy season that I think we often miss the purpose of the season in the busyness of it all! 

We took a quick trip up to North Louisiana to visit our families for Thanksgiving and really had a nice time, but it was rush, rush, rush. Since returning, we've had the pedal to the metal. Just a sample of our schedule: Last night, Chase attended the Youth Christmas Party at church. Today, we head up to Calhoun to pick up my mom and take her to see the huge Living Nativity my uncle's church puts on in Searcy, Arkansas. Tomorrow night, Donna attends the Ladies Christmas Party at church. Saturday and Sunday we host our four regular weekend services. Monday night we have a Sectional Christmas Party with the Assemblies of God. Tuesday we have our Church Staff and Leader's Christmas Party. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we have rehearsals for the big Christmas Production at church. Saturday and Sunday we host six performances of "Christmas Around The World." (You get the picture!)

Two years ago we made the decision to cancel Wednesday night services at church in December because we realize people are so busy with the holidays and we don't want to just add to the mayhem! 

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the holidays! I love the decorations and the parties and the music and the family get-together(s). I love it all - It's just so busy! So I'm interested to know - What do you do to slow things down and enjoy the real reasons for the season? 

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you P. Jeff! This year I have made a decision to sit down and write...yes hand write letters to my mom, dad, brother, sister, and my four amazing children. I am taking the time to write down all those things you always think of when they are not around. The thank you's and the special things I have always wanted to say but just never had time! I am not sure if that is what you were asking about, but that is what I am doing different this year to show my family that it is really all about relationships with each other and most of all our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I intend to list all the ways I see God's love for me in my family!

    Thanks for the sharing and Happy Chirstmas to ya'll!


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