Thursday, January 1, 2009

Getting started...

I've wanted to start a blog for some time. Today I've made the commitment. I'm titling my blog Mile Markers. As the pastor of Crossroads Church, I often reference the "journey" metaphor and if life is a journey then these posts will be the mile markers I leave along the way. I hope they will inspire and encourage all who take the time to read them. 
President William Henry Harrison delivered the longest Inaugural address of any U.S. President in history. 1 hour 45 minutes in a snow storm! He went on and on about what he would accomplish as president. A month later he died. (Many believe the time out in the cold on his Inauguration day contributed to his death!) I say, instead of standing around in the cold talking about what we're going to do this year, let's just get busy doing it! It's 2009 - It's a brand new year - Let's make the most of it! 


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere!

    Some days, you'll be amazed at the number of friends who crawl out of the woodwork to read your posts (and comment on them), and other days, you'll wonder if you have only one friend at all...either way, this is a great way to leave a great legacy of a great man in a great ministry!

    Have an awesome time with it!

  2. Welcome to the blogging world! It's about time. I know you have a lot to say and I can't wait to read it. I'll link you too.

  3. Welcome to the blogging world

    You are officially being followed

  4. Wonder how long BO's speech will be... Wonder if it'll be snowing on January 20th?


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