Thursday, January 8, 2009

How does seventeen years go by that fast?

That's right... Seventeen! That's how old my daughter Robin is today. Her mom and I are scratching our heads trying to figure out how it happened so quickly. She is a brilliant, beautiful young woman with a passion for God that challenges my own almost every single day! She can't wait to graduate high school and go through Master's Commission. 
It seems just like yesterday she was that little bald headed baby girl with the big brown eyes, the big smile and the big bow on her head.
To all my friends with young children at home: Enjoy every moment of it! They grow up SO fast! 


  1. I thought about her yesterday. Of course it is hard to forget her birthday since it is the day after our anniversary.

  2. Time flies, Pastor Jeff. I have a 21 yr old and an 18 yr many memories!


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