Monday, October 5, 2009

What We Have In Common With David Letterman and Jimmy Swaggart

It occurred to me today that David Letterman and Jimmy Swaggart have something in common. Most of you have heard by now about Letterman's confession this past week of having multiple affairs with women who were members of his staff. This revelation came on the heals of an alleged extortion attempt by a CBS producer who was trying to get some hush money from the star of The Late Show. As the story unfolded, I started thinking about how many people David Letterman has made the butt of his jokes through the years for the very sins he himself was committing and then it hit me: That's the same thing Swaggart did! Remember Jimmy Swaggart? The televangelist who confessed to sexual sin in the late eighties. Before the confession of his own failures, Mr. Swaggart used to rail on the failures of others pretty strongly. Instead of making jokes about them like Letterman did, he preached sermons. Sermons about how sinful all the people are who were doing the very same things he was doing in secret!
I guess we all do this. I guess we all have a tendency to focus on the things we hate about ourselves when we see it in the lives of other people. Our pride won't let us deal with those sins in our own lives, so we feel like we have to target the things we struggle with in someone else's life and call them out. Instead, here's what the Bible says we should do. Galatians 6:1, Brothers if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.
I know there will be plenty of people who will line up to say Letterman is simply reaping what he has sown. That he had it coming! I've decided not to do that. I've decided to pray for David Letterman and his family. I'm praying for Jimmy Swaggart as well. While I'm at it, I think I'll pray for me and you!


  1. Jeff you are an amazing pastor!!!! So well said ~
    A few years ago we as a family faced something really hard from the church all the while we were going through three miscarriages and financial storm due to my husband breaking his neck (we weren't complaining trying to suffer in silence but they knew even though we were quite). I was so hurt and torn by the actions of others and God kept whispering...."Love covers a multitude of sin" I was a bit confused wondering come on what you trying to tell me. After much prayer I saw in my minds eye the scripture that speaks of Noah's drunkenness and how his sons walked backwards to cover their father's disgrace. I am still humbled by that story...hard to walk backwards (esp at 40...hehe) much less cover someone without looking. I am trying so hard to love more, judge less, basically I have committed to walking

    Thanks for that word about David Letterman.....we need more pastors like you guys...full of God's love and mercy. I believe if the church would show more love and less judgement ~ we would have to build even more churches.

  2. "yes through things that i have been through in the last several years, thats what i am doing is forgiving everyone, and while trying to do that i hear people doing what i know i have done and also what you are talking about. we have to go through things like this to learn Gods forgiveness"

  3. "Bless you Pastor Jeff for doing what Jesus would do!"

  4. Great word, Pastor! I've noticed that we often liberally pass judgment on those in the public eye. We often say things about them that we would never say to anyone face to face. This is one area where Christians have a great opportunity to stand out from the crowd and shine some light. Thanks for leading the way.


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