Monday, November 15, 2010


This week I traveled back to our former home, Atlanta, Georgia. I went there to pick up a replacement vehicle for Robin. Most of you know she totaled her 2005 Ford Escape a few weeks ago when a lady pulled out in front of her. (You can read about the original vehicle I purchased for her here or about the accident she was in here.)

A lot of you have been asking me why I would travel all the way to Atlanta to buy a used car. My logic is this - I shop for used cars online, willing to travel to another city to purchase them because I can get what I want instead of settling for what I can find locally.

We found the vehicle Robin wanted with all the options she wanted on it with low milage at the right price! ($3,000.00 less than the Blue Book value - Thank you Jesus!) It's a very clean little 2005 Mercury Mariner (which is really a Ford Escape with a little more stylish exterior). Robin was determined to get another vehicle like the one she had. She originally chose it because she felt safe in it and after the accident she felt so even more! Driving home from Atlanta gave me a chance to really test drive it and it seems to be a solid vehicle that should last Robin a good while. It's loaded - complete with a moonroof and CD changer and it even has four-wheel drive! (No mud-digging Robin!)

Purchasing the vehicle in Atlanta also gave me the chance to visit with some of my favorite people in the world! On Friday night I had dinner with the Rhoades family: (Bill & Helen, Jason & Amanda and their girls, Rhonda & Reece Carter and their boys and Carrie & Zach Brinegar and their little boy). Erin and Derrick Dunagan and Kristin and Keith Tressel also met with us. What wonderful friends! It was so good to see everyone and check out the cutest kid contest!

On Saturday morning I traveled down to Macon to visit with my dear friend Roger Brumbalow, whom I served at The Assembly of God Tabernacle in Decatur back in the late nineties. On the way down I stopped at the south perimeter and had coffee with Adam and Jamie Farley and their three adorable children! (That's right more fare for the cutest kid contest!) Pastor Brumbalow lives with his daughter Claire and her husband Clint and their two children. They have a beautiful home and Pastor has a very elegant suite with a nice back porch for sipping coffee. Pastor had a stroke a few years ago that left him paralyzed on his right side and took away most of his ability to speak. Despite those challenges he gets around extremely well, communicates effectively with limited words and hand gestures, still has his strong sense of humor and remains the remarkable man of character and integrity that he's always been. It's obvious he misses Becky - his best friend and partner in life and ministry - very much. (Read about this incredible woman here.) We had such a wonderful visit and then met up with Pastor's son, Keith and his family for lunch. (Alas - more cute kids!) I am so thankful that God put Roger Brumbalow in my life so many years ago. I owe so much to him!

I stayed over Saturday night so I could attend Northpoint Community Church in Alpheretta, GA. Andy Stanley's church is not only one of the largest in the nation, it is one we aspire to emulate here at Crossroads. I first heard Andy speak at Ed Young's C3 conference back in 2004 and it really changed my life and ministry forever. The service was awesome there at Northpoint and I even got to meet Andy before service!

I know all this sounds like a marvelous time in Hotlanta but here's what was really cool - I even had time to stop and enjoy a strawberry milkshake from Steak and Shake while I was there! (Why can't we have Steak and Shakes here in Louisiana?)


  1. Amanda and I were so glad to be able to spend time with you... We love you and miss you.

  2. We also were so excited to get to see you! We had SO much fun!

  3. Read your is what I heard...blah blah blah STEAK AND SHAKE! We were talking about Steak and Shake the other day. I lived in Atlanta for 20 yrs and that is in the top 3 things I miss. Glad you had a great time and glad someone from Acadiana got to enjoy the wonders of steak & shake...

  4. So Glad you had a wonderful time and at the same time got such a great vehicle for Robin! Praise God! He is so Good & Faithful!

  5. i uesed to live in indiana and they also have steak n shake i agree we need lots of them in louisiana and a long john silvers!!

  6. We had such a good tme with you, we Love you Pastor Jeff. Bill & Helen


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