Wednesday, November 3, 2010

No more Nancy!

So Nancy is no longer the Speaker of the House. Good riddance! Can't say I'm going to miss Ms. Pelosi! But will the big sweep in the House of Representatives by Republicans really make a difference? Not unless their conservatism is fueled by strong moral conviction. If all their speeches were simple rhetoric, they will soon be caught up in the machine that is American politics. The only hope we have for seeing things turned around in this country is a true move of God.

I know people say religion and politics shouldn't mix, but I beg to differ! The only way a democracy like ours can survive is the influence of morals based on God's Holy Word. Our founding fathers knew this - lets hope the people we've just elected will figure it out!

"It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and Bible." (George Washington)


  1. Yes, we will pray and ask GOD for conviction in the hearts of all our Republicans. we need moral values back!!

  2. “The strength of a country is the strength of its religious convictions.” – Calvin Coolidge

  3. I hope you don't mind, but I shared this on facebook! We need to put God back in the USA. I say let us vote on putting him back in the government, schools, etc. I bet the results would make the liberals' mouths drop open!

  4. Politics is a corrupt business. You are right to say that the "influence" of high moral standards will keep our democracy in the survival mode but democracy, socialism, communism, autocracy, or any other form of man-made government will eventually crumble under the weight of or because of the errosion of corruption. Men like George Washington and Calvin Coolidge made statements about godly morals and religious convictions because they could see the fragile and flimsey stucture of our government without the strenght of such eternal values. But the two, politics and religion, don't mix because one is pure and the other corrupt. God and the godly will keep this world and its systems afloat for only a season and then the end shall come. I will join you in praying for and even participating in our system as far as I can. Our children and grandchildren are counting on the godly to hold it together.

  5. AMEN! We really need to continue praying (always Praying) for the Leaders, that they follow God!

  6. Right on Mr. Ables. The Church must rise up with a true passion for GOD. And then must bow low in Humility. Jeff the problem is not a world gone mad, but a church that has been weak kneeded and worldly. THANK GOD there are still front line warriors willing to get in the trenches. As I share this I know I must die more as well, ALOT!!! Love you big time Buddy!!

  7. ‎"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and State." Thomas Jefferson--letter to Danbury Baptists.

  8. @ Lance - I agree with Mr. Jefferson that the state should not mess in the affairs of the church!


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