Thursday, January 20, 2011

Christian Radio Pioneer

Today my old friend Barry Thompson from KAJN radio did an interview with me about our new worship center for their news show Cajun Talk. He was very kind to give us an opportunity to share with the community of faith in Southwest Louisiana what God is doing here at Crossroads. Barry has been a good friend for many years and I admire him so much. He is a true pioneer, establishing Christian radio in this area many years ago when no one would have believed there was a market for it. He has partnered with many of the churches of the area to get their message out and has hosted concerts that have introduced hundreds to Christ through the years. Because of the strong Catholic influence of this area, KAJN has served as a tool to disciple many believers in the formative years of their faith while they continued to attend the church. 

When I was a youth pastor, back in the eighties and nineties here in Acadiana, we hosted a show on KAJN called The Elevation Radio Hour on Friday nights that was a mix of Contemporary Christian Top 40, Snippets of my sermons from our youth services and promotion for what we were doing as a ministry. We had a lot of fun with it.

After I wrote my post a few days ago on my favorite CCM albums of all time (many of which date back to the eighties) and then scheduled this interview with Barry, I started thinking about what a blast it would be to host a series of concerts in this area with artists from that era. People like Russ Taff, Bryan Duncan, Margaret Becker and Mylon Lefevre. I pitched the idea to Barry today and he loved it! We are going to start working on pulling it together. I'd love to hear from you and get your suggestions on who you'd be interested in seeing as a part of the concert series! 


  1. Russ Taff, Mylon Lefevre, Twila Paris, Sandi Patti, Lionel Harris, Bryan Duncan, and Steve Camp!!

  2. Dallas Holm, Michelle Pillar Leon Patillo are good ones.

  3. Awesome blog there Jeff. Such an incredible example of leaving a legacy that goes so far beyond oneself. To start a small radio station, when so many prophesied failure for Bro. Barry, to see today that we KNOW countless thousands in our state have been influenced by the Gospel. Truly a leader if there ever was one. God is so faithful to that which He has called us to.


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